Sunday, August 7, 2016

day 2

woke again, to another day.

Drank water, lemon water for Gary & enjoyed a banana smoothing

2 bananas
flax seeds
alfalfa greens
2 spoonfuls of bean fermentation

snack, gary made rice with canned black beans

I ate bread with tomatoes and garlic.. 

2 pm 
stalk of celery 

afternoon snack 

                                          Beet smoothie   

1 beet
2 limes peeled
alfalfa greens
flax seeds
rice yogurt/cheese
bean yogurt

finished my smoothie around 7pm.  it was that thick with a slice of sourdough and 2 tomatoes.

going on walk now.  
Gary lost another pound this morning.

going to sleep no other snack.  lot's of water and bike ride

Saturday, August 6, 2016

day 1

Day 1 of the journey, I figured to blog this instead of scribbling on paper.   I hope you join us

Gary & I have been doing this for 3 weeks already, he's lost 14 lbs so far and 4 belt buckle sizes

Alright, for today.  We woke @ 7am, I drank water, he has his lemon water, I go on bike ride, it was great this morning, i also did a short vinyasa, yoga..  Would like to do more.

a green smoothie, 
2 bananas, dates, alfalfa greens, flax seeds, peeled lime, Ice, Water, 2 scoops fermented white beans. 
(creamy good)

lunch we had, homemade sourdough with tomato and garlic, cold black beans (homemade) with spices .  Gary added more garlic to his.  mine could've used something else also.

around 2 pm I juiced, 1 stalk celery and cucumber with leftover carrot from yesterday. 

4 ish we had 
beet smoothie:
1 beet
beet greens
flax seeds
dates (12)
2 peeled limes
alfalfa greens
ice & water

Dinner, spaghetti, I had earlier lightly baked a spaghetti squash, I then peeled it by breaking the tuff skin off and taking out the center...
I split it onto two plates. 

 For the sauce I blended together:
5 large cloves of garlic
3 tomatoes
1 Tbsp homemade salsa
Gary's sauerkraut juice 1 Tbsp
raw salt to taste
4 dates  

Gary loved it...   

Saturday, February 27, 2016

what I don't know is killing me.

Is it everything?  or can it become everything if we're missing something!!!

I thought what was going into our mouth was so vastly important compared to other things we faced.  Exercise and nutrition do play an important roll in our health today, however, I found that what goes on our body, from soap to lotion could be what's holding us back from all the results we would be gaining. 

What goes onto the body, weather it be chap stick to shampoo, our skin absorbs 90% into the body and unlike consumables is not filtered by the liver.  MEANING, that we are more so victimized by topical items than by consumables. 

Not to say they all don't have a synergistic affect on our lives.  What we don't know may be hurting us!!

From dish washing soap to detergents that never really rinse out, it could be affecting our thyroid function, by blocking our iodine absorption and a host of other issues.  Fibroid s, mood, sleep, energy, skin, immune system and over all well being.    

It is everywhere, what we may think is healthy because we bought it at the health food store, maybe a little better than at the local drug store however, hormone disruptions are prevalent in even the healthiest things.  I'm talking about fake estrogen'.   The list is sunflower oil, preservatives to spices that have estrogen binders or estrogen builders.  For women there is a list of things that also block progesterone.   Once we become less sensitive to estrogen, as it's our bodies natural defense, we are in a severe estrogen dominance.  This can happen to men and women, breast cancers  to restless leg syndrome.  It burns up our magnesium and b & c vitamins and can turn into a downward spiral, blocks our iodine absorption.   Young women dealing with severe PMS, constant bleeding, dry vagina, painful intercourse and will speed up menopause.   We're dealing with super feminists and she males!!!   It's even in the water we shower with, bath with, wash with..   This is creating more hermaphrodites, according to the fish population, and creates an excessive amount of females!

Most women put on make up that is creating an overload fast!

Just coming off of these fake estrogen can re-balance our world within 2 months.   Let's pay attention to hormone disruptions and improve the future of our wellness NOW!!

After a bit of research i find that all this can become less important when our livers are unclogged, our kidneys healthy and our colon happy. 
So maybe there is some madness that comes with poor health

Sunday, August 9, 2015

Gravity the equation

How many of us are losing the war on Gravity?

Are we slumping and looking old and bent over already?

Forty five and everything goes south.  

If we are using our bodies correctly we have the ability to utilize gravity for our benefit.  

our bones need our guidance, our muscles need mental control and together building stamina to win this mighty war we all fight.  

It's no magic trick or secretive power but a real mastery within the mind, body and the soul of each individual.  

Walking straight to lifting and opening our hearts or chest.   lengthening tight areas by targeting opposing muscle groups.  

All it takes is the ability to focus and enjoy the growth.  

Unlimited we are, 

                   Believing is a beginning 

                                        what is your deepest desire or dream

                                                                You can have it all 

                                                                                            and then some more

Dream with me and let's win together the world becomes a better place

                                                                 by example 

Must engage, to become more than you thought possible. 

I promise I will take evidence and for you I will do more to lead.   sleep well

Wednesday, January 7, 2015

Finding our way

The thoughts we individually layout, are clues to our career.     I've had a difficult time refining my career or really deciding what I want to bee.  Sometimes we may find a career rewarding, but may not be as lucrative as another field we maybe excellence in.   Everyone can build skills. 
When I went to school I had a very difficult time finding what I wanted to do everything I wanted to do really didn't seem to be a fit   Up to now I have not handled criticism well, as well as self critical. Like a turtle, I have chosen to stay inside the shell until I was ready to take criticism. Some know what they want and go for it, nearly out of their mother's womb.   Some need a lot more time to do what they they are to do on earth.  Early bloomers/ late bloomers
Criticism is good, it builds character and refines an individual.  
Being passionate about something may ignite a fire in others, keeps u energized and keeps life exciting.   Whatever it is you love or enjoy whatever you're passionate about, share it with the world!   
The world is full of judges.  The most important judge, is oneself.
So if you're like me and have had a difficult time choosing a career.  Or are interested in finding a career that will make you financially free or independently wealthy, you may find the answers in Vedic astrology.  Ancient history has been waiting thousands of years to uncover the brilliance of our great ancestors innate intelligence of the solar system. Answers wanting to be acknowledged.   Your personal secret will be revealed in a very detailed manner.  A greater perspecive will be shown to the individual seeking to know and understand oneself fully.  

Thursday, August 28, 2014


I remember walking around a pond in lemon grove California.   As a man running laps passed me, he then said to me, " it's not how long you run, it's how much you sweat."  I noticed he was dripping from head to toe.

There are many misconceptions on how to work out correctly.  However, sweat will tell you, you're working out.  sweat can also bring you to a state of dehydration and exhaustion.  wrestlers sweat to get down to body weight, football players in all of their gear easily sweat in hot &/or humid conditions. Sports and workouts may be life threatening, dehydrating and mineral depletion    It's no surprise many extreme athletes and young sport stars die so young. 

As we age, our ability of thirst lowers.  Our cells dehydrate and are unable to adequately send the message of thirst to the brain.  Survival may or may not be an option because of our ability to protect and support itself.   Heart attack, aneurysm, stroke or complete psychological break down, happen to many.  Over training versus under training or output versus input or working out versus working in.  it's no wonder our electrical status shorts out after years of working out, sweating, drinking caffiene and living under high stress in a fast pace society.

We begin to decline as we age some would say it's natural.  Papers report any and all early deaths as natural causes.   In reality severe deficiencies may create a major gap between today and our future.As with each deficiency usually is in relation to an toxicity, where as symptom reveals itself, tired, weak, hurt, ache, constipation, too hot, too cold, lacking emotion, super hungry, not hungry at all, dizzy, light headed to the extreme of alcoholism, seizures and poisonous thoughts can be a toxicity.  The brain produces chemicals attached to thoughts with feelings, depending on the intensity and the feeling, this emotion is called Karma.  You'll find it will one day bring you good things or bad.

This is my understanding, of allness.

 According to Dr. Ma Lan, symptoms stem from toxicities. Dr. Ma Lan studied Eastern Medicine in China.   She coauthored the book, Rare Earths; Forbidden Cures.  Absolutely a fascinating medical text book.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

releaving the body's lymphatic work with nature

How many times have we complained of a lump somewhere, breast, prostate, glands?

Check this video out and start the fig use to prevent or get rid of... 

you'll be amazed!!!

Today women and men are dealing with breast cancer.

We are riddled with toxins, it's just great for both sexes to utilize figs to rid the body of harmful toxins that are stored up over time in the body.

Remember organic oils help clean inside the home, inside the body and sooth the senses.  They're powers are endless, as the science and chemistry is only been scratched at the surface.

Utilizing oils in cooking or food preparation, dressings,  sauces,  soups, delicious desserts or just to clean the kitchen with, synthetic can make us toxic over time and they definitely do not smell as good.